The End of Eternity (Isaac Asimov, 1955)

Trurl and Klapaucius are brilliant (robotic) engineers, called "constructors" (because they can construct practically anything at will), capable of almost God-like exploits. For instance, on one occasion Trurl creates an entity capable of extracting accurate information from the random motion of gas particles, which he calls a"Demon of the Second Kind". He describes the "Demon of the First Kind" as a Maxwell's demon. On another, the two constructors re-arrange stars near their home planet in order to advertise.
The duo are best friends and rivals. When they are not busy constructing revolutionary mechanisms at home, they travel the universe, aiding those in need. Although the characters are firmly established as good and righteous, they take no shame in accepting handsome rewards for their services. If rewards were promised and not delivered, the constructors may even severely punish those who deceived them.
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Labels: Vonnegut
The story's protagonist is a nameless drifter, nicknamed "Kid" (also referred to as "the Kid", "Kidd", and often just "kid"), who wears only one sandal, shoe, or boot. He appears to be intermittently schizophrenic: Not only does the novel end in schizoid babble (which recurs at various points in the text), he has memories of a stay in a mental hospital, and his perception of the "changes in reality" sometimes differs from that of the other characters. He also suffers from significant memory loss.
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Labels: Philip K Dick
The first part of the novel, "The Fabulous Idiot" narrates the birth of the gestalt. In the beginning, we are introduced to the world of Lone, reffered to as the "Idiot", a young adolescent male with a telepathic ability who lives on the street. He encounters a young lady, Evelyn the first person he has mentally and physically connected with. He is eventually adopted by a poor farmer, but Lone leves after he learns that the farmer's wife is expecting a baby. Lone is soon joined by Janie, a child with a telekinetic gift, and the twins Bonnie and Beanie, who cannot speak but possess the ability to teleport. The farmer's wife dies after giving birth to a "Mongoloid" baby, whom Lone takes. The baby is then on referred to as Baby. Baby has a phenomenal mental capacity and thinks almost like a computer. Baby helps Lone build an anti-gravity generator. Together, Lone, Janie, the twins and Baby form what will be later called the homo gestalt.
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Fast forward to the 26th century: Brother Francis Gerard of
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Labels: Philip K Dick
Labels: Philip K Dick
Labels: Philip K Dick
Labels: Philip K Dick
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